Pension Portfolios "The IRA Rollover Specialists"
Pension Portfolios educates employees that are retiring from such companies as Verizon, SBC, Edison, AT&T, MTA, Boeing, 3-M, Northrop, Southern California Gas Co. and Kaiser Permanente. Pension Portfolios has help individuals transition into retirement for over 23 years.
The representatives of Pension Portfolios can help you answer these questions:
- How much do I need to have saved to actually retire?
- How much can I withdraw?
- How can I take income and avoid penalties if I am under 59 1/2?
- What is 72(t)?
- How do you calculate 72(t)?
- How can I help lessen the overall risk of my principal?
- What is portfolio *diversification?
- Should I plan to work part-time?
Your IRA rollover check may be your largest paycheck ever and you can't ask too many questions. Schedule a meeting today with one of our financial advisors.
72(t) programs are complicated and are not appropriate for all investors. It is recommended that investors seek the advice of a professional tax preparer prior to setting up distributions to determine suitability. Once established, changes or modifications to a 72(t) program may incur severe penalties from the IRS. 72(t) distributions from a qualified plan are still subject to normal taxation. Investors should note that distributions taken under a 72(t) program may be subject to surrender charges and/or early redemption fees based upon the type of investments held within the qualified plan.
*Diversification does not assure a profit nor protect against loss.